Monday, 16 February 2009

wishful prayer.

hey god it's me again, knocking on your chamber door. i can't afford to hear "nevermore" anymore, i need answers. i need a sign.
they say you work mysteriously, in ways that can't be seen. i don't want that. i want a loud god, one who will sweep me away from hurt and harm. one who will hand me coffee and say "sit down, take care of yourself, i've got it covered."
hey god it's me again, standing on your porch. it's like a house, where you know the family is inside and they won't open the door. show me the way, guide me the way.
i'm trying to do everything, and nothing is panning out. tell me a story, lord, when the lights have all dimmed, about when it will be alright again.
hey god, not going to lie, i'm happy for what i have. and yet i'm missing a piece in the 1000 piece puzzle. feels like that piece is you.
so reveal yourself, i call you to me. i call you to those who need you.

listening to: "dancing" by elisa.

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